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Plans and Pricing

One of the best parts of my job is that I get to see people find a way to eat well to meet their goals and make movement a part of their life . So, if you don't see something below that fits your needs, please reach out and tell me what you are looking for.  I love to serve my clients with individualized coaching and would love to to create a plan that works for you.

  • Personal training

    Every month
    Once a week
    • In-person training in my private home gym.
    • We discuss your goals and plan workouts around
    • what you want to achieve.
  • Nutrition Coaching

    Every month
    • 15 minute weekly coaching calls+ text/email as needed
    • Resources that will help you be successful
  • Training with my app

    Every month
    Starting at $75 a month
    • Programming created to meet your goals
  • Personal training

    Every month
    Twice a week
    • In-person training in my private home gym
    • We discuss your goals and plan workouts around
    • what you want to achieve.
  • Personal training

    Every month
    Three times a week
    • In-person training in my private home gym
    • We discuss your goals and plan workouts around
    • what you want to achieve

Contact Me

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