Rise Up Nutrition & Fitness Coaching
"It is with great pleasure that I write this recommendation for RiseUpNutritiion Coaching. I am happy to share my progress with the support Kim provided in nutrition counseling and personal training that helped me make permanent life changes for better health. The nutritional expertise and advice Kim provided gave me the courage to truly make improvements with my meal planning. Kim provided a flexible and doable exercise program that complimented my physical therapy. I now have a stronger upper body, and am almost fully recovered from knee surgery. I am confident that the nutrition counseling and personal training Kim, impacted and shortened my recovery time. Kim's consistent check-ins, updates, and redesigning for what works with my crazy schedule kept me progressing. The results are apparent in my sleep patterns and how I am making healthier choices. It is entirely worth investing in myself and I have accomplished this with Kim's guidance and encouragement. I now have solid tools to continue to do so to a healthier lifestyle for me and my family.
Thank you!"
- Theresa
"I have been working with Kim for over 6 months now. She is amazing and really took the time to listen to my concerns and helped me develop a specialize program that would fit my health needs. She was flexible with her plan, allowing room for changes that fit into my lifestyle. I truly believe Kim created the perfect program for me that will be sustainable as I continue on in my health and wellness journey."
- Sandra